Prospectus of Sembcorp Salalah Power and Water approved

29 August 2013

The Capital Market Authority has issued administrative decision approving the prospectus of Sempcorpt Salalh Power and Water Company for the issuance of 33410019 shares  in a public offering  at an issue price of RO 1.590  per share comprising a nominal value of RO 1 in addition to 570 Baisas as issue allowance and 20 Baisas as issue expenses. The offering represents 35% of the total capital paid up capital of the company which is RO 100 million.


The prospectus provides that the minimum limit of subscription will be  for the first class shares  100 shares and multiples of 100 for each application and the maximum limit for the first class will be 50,000 shares and for the second class will be 3341000 shares which represent 10% of the offered shares.


The prospectus shows that the proposed allocation  method will be, in the event of over subscription, 60% for small investors  and 40% for institutional investors.


CMA’s decision to approve the prospectus was based on the laws and regulations of the capital market sector and the resolutions of the general meeting of the company to avail the financing opportunities in MSM to expand their businesses.