CMA Commence Insurance Training Progrmmes with Insurance Risk Management

28 March 2017

CMA Commence Insurance Training Progrmmes with Insurance Risk Management


The Capital Market Authrity commenced the trainings programmes of the insurance sector this week by specialized programme on insurance risk management with the participation of 30 trainees for the employees of claims, underwriting and investment departments.


The training focused on this type of programmes due to the importance of risk management for the participants of the sector as the insurance and its role in providing coverage represents an important tool in risk management of the risks encountering the individuals and institutions as well as those facing insurers in underwriting operations and the role of claims departments and the investment role of insurers as investment scheme contributing to the national economy which require high degree of knowledge of the concept of risk management.


The three day programme will acquaint the participants with   risk management tools, risks of cash flows and risk transfer strategies, insurance and risk management philosophy and the key internal controls.


The programme is part of CMA’s  continued efforts to provide training which commenced in 2015 to provide the national cadres with knowledge and skills required to manage the business efficiently.


This year’s programmes comprise  18 training programmes and four workshops in addition to two diploma programmes in health insurance  within the strategic plan to enhance the level of Omanization in the insurance sector “Tamkeen”. The event is continuation of the training series CMA has commenced in 2015  which resulted in training 400 employees in 2015 and continued in 2016 with training more than 500 employees.